I consider America's 2 great pastimes to be baseball and fluking. Today aboard Gut Feeling an adept crew of bottom droppers pounded the floor of Vineyard Sound yielding some seriously impressive results. Today was less about quantity, more about quality. Pictured here are Fishing the Vineyard's Captain Robert Morrison, his baby brother Alex and Tina from Katama. This crew has pillaged the sea bed together from the Cape Pouge to New Zeland's Bay of Islands where they pursued Kingies (Yellowtail), Hapuka and Snapper. Let them loose in some deep water up here in our part of the world and this is what happens. Freakishly large sea bass, doormat fluke, braggin' sized porgies, one nice blue and a couple of sharks rounded out today's grab bag. Sprinkle in a couple of skates and a spider crab which we had boat side but the hook pulled at the last minute and you have concocted a tremendously entertaining day out on the grounds. Even the scup whisperer got into the mix. As far as the real fishing goes I'm sure someone will go to work this week and we should have a full report at that time.
Live Free, Die Smiling...
Captain W. Brice Contessa