Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Recap

Let me start by wishing everyone a happy and healthy Memorial Day. I truly believe that we live in the greatest country on earth and to those who have paid the ultimate price to defend the freedoms that we know, love and sometimes take for granted we are eternally grateful. As far as the fishing scenario is concerned, I'll let the photos (got that new Nikon so they should be looking somewhat better) tell the story, for the most part. Open water fishing has been a bit complicated due to the heavy fog conditions, but once the potato patch is located and marked it can be farmed extensively. Still mostly slot fish with some periodic bomb scare drills thrown in for good measure. This weekend also marked 2011's inaugural outing of the Dukes County Sight Casters. The sun was only out for a couple of hours, but I had the talent show on the bow after work (my neighbor and my lawyer) and after a few flubs to get the kinks out the fish were coming over the rail in true memorial day parade type fashion. I've been fishing with those guys since we were little kids, and it never ceases to amaze me just how adroit they really are. Pretty work kids. There has also been a swift and strong influx of teeth, making the few periods of slow stripe fishing infinitely more entertaining. All and all I'd say the 2011 campaign has gotten off to a smashing start. Cue June...

God Bless America...

Captain W. Brice Contessa