Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Note to the Striped Fish

This is what happens when you mess with the Fishing the Vineyard kids. Lime, butter, cilantro, minced garlic, salt, a wee bit of red pepper and a quick stint on the grill...heaven. Granted, we are a conservation minded organization, but every now and then a man must hoist the spatula and show you what he's made of. Fed a bunch of hungry fisherman and friends with a fish in the low 30 inch range, which reaffirms how ridiculous the 2 fish per angler per day regulation in Massachusetts really is. I'm gonna be off the grid for a while; going off island on a little vacation with my brother whom I rarely get to see any more so I'm really excited about that. If everybody's on their best behavior while I'm gone I may even post a couple of pics from the trip. I'll be back next week commin' at ya with fresh content so stay tuned here. The books are starting to look pretty inky for the rest of June, but the rips should be too; give us a call, we'll work you in!

Love, Peace and Bluefish Grease....

Captain W. Brice Contessa